A Day in the Life of Jaclyn Pope Infographic First Thing [Image of Snickers and Luna] - Time to get moving, according to the four-legged friends. Wake up and take care of guide dog, Luna, and Snickers the cat. Morning [Image of code on a laptop] - Coding, coding, and more coding! " [I can] lose several hours while on the computer working - coding is notorious for this," notes Jaclyn. eSight helps her work faster and more efficiently. Break [Image of cat food] - The pets help remind Jaclyn to take a breather. Luna gets time outside and Snickers has her mid-day meal. Afternoon [Image of sewing machine against dark background] - Attend school and meetings, and manage family/household responsibilities, often using eSight to complete tasks. Work on online business, Sewing in the Dark, a company committed to making the world more accessible and inclusive through tactile designs. Early Evening [Image of Jaclyn and Luna] - Go on an adventure with Luna and eSight. "We pick a direction and just go!" says Jaclyn. WHY ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY MATTERS TO ME www.lowvisionsource.com